Where Are You From?

 “I’m not from Alabama.” Or should I say “these parts.” I don’t say that, because those words don’t roll off my tongue.

The kids are looking at me with confused blinking stares. I’ve made another cultural blunder and I didn’t even know it. It’s a beautiful fall day in 1993 and we’re ambling up the side of a mountain laurel trail when one asks, “Miss Allison, what’s your favorite football team?”

My answer gets confused looks. Because, as anyone from Alabama knows, there are only two choices and one right answer. And I’ll give you a hint. It’s not the professional football team that won the Super Bowl in ’92.

I’m from a Maryland suburb. I’m from The Washington Post and The Washington Nationals. Moving from the DC area to a rural area of Northeast Alabama, I’d traded our Nation’s Capital for the Sock Capital of the World. (Think I’m kidding? Look up Fort Payne.)

And every day, it’s clear that I’m not from Alabama.

I’ve never tasted okra. And I’ve never seen so many stars at night.

I’m from overpriced craft cocktails in pop up bars. Now, Saturday nights we drive a few miles out of our dry county to the border of Georgia where liquor stores are strung along the highway border like Christmas lights. We sit on the front porch of our cabin drinking beer and listening to the whirring wings of cicadas.  

Once, I head into town for a new car battery. At the shop, the credit card machine isn’t working. “Just pay me next time you’re down the mountain,” the attendant says.

I’m incredulous.

I’m from competition, schedules, and distrust.

Now, I’m living in a constant state of wonder. Did you know you can see lifesavers spark in the dark when you chew with your mouth open? Did you know a white pine has five needles? Did you know that if you stand at the edge of the platform, arms crossed, and lean back until you fall, we will catch you?

Leaving the DMV (District/Maryland/Virginia) to teach in Mentone, Alabama for a year, I thought I would gain experience teaching outdoor education. I didn’t realize how much I would learn. I discovered a whole new world 10 hours down I 81.

If you come visit, I’ll show you around.

I know the right question to ask: Alabama or Auburn?

I know which trail leads to the best view on Lookout Mountain.

I know which local joint serves the best sweet tea.

I’m not from these parts, but I’m learning.

Hey y’all! Welcome to Alabama.


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