Whimsy on Wednesday

Let’s have some fun!

Some days, does it feel like you can’t escape the weight of the world? It only takes a few minutes of doom scrolling through climate change, war, sex trafficking, hurricanes, drug overdoses, and racism to put me in a bad mood. 

I feel sadder after typing that one sentence. 

With all the problems, stress, and uncertainty in the world, is today a good day to dress up in a costume, eat cookies, and laugh with my friends? 

Yes, it is.

I’m not saying fun will cure all the world’s problems. However, there’s lots of scientific research to show the positive impacts that fun can have on your health and well-being.

You stress less when having fun.

I know. I look pretty silly wearing pigtails and a sweatband. I don’t mind. Laughing can lower your cortisol, according to this study. Cortisol is your body’s main stress hormone. Ergo, a few jokes can lower your stress. They say a joke becomes a dad joke when it becomes apparent. (Couldn’t resist.) Because lower stress levels are linked to better concentration and memory, you might even remember to share that joke with a friend later.  

Having fun improves your mood.

The theme of tonight’s party was Starch Madness. For this cookie contest, treats were placed into a March basketball style bracket. During each round of the friendly competition, contestants were eliminated, until one cookie champion remained. Did you know eating chocolate can raise your serotonin levels? Serotonin can positively impact your mood. And, according to research, being in a good mood can raise your level of serotonin. It may seem like the chicken and the egg, but does it really matter which comes first? Higher levels of serotonin are also associated with improved performance and creativity, as well as better quality sleep. Speaking of dad jokes, I ordered a chicken and an egg online. I’ll let you know.

Having fun gives you more energy

It’s a cold, rainy and dark. Do I even have the energy to go out? Shouldn’t I be putting on my pajamas to rest after a long day of work? Stress and anxiety can be mentally and physically draining. It may seem counterintuitive to combat exhaustion with more activity, but the evidence suggests otherwise. Laughing with my friends actually raises my energy level. By experiencing fun together, it improves our relationship, increases our communication, and builds trust. Choosing a fun activity to do with others is energy inducing, like using rain as an excuse to jump in puddles.

Speaking of rain, did you know you’re required to turn on your headlights if it’s raining in Sweden? Great, but how am I supposed to know if it’s raining in Sweden? 

Sorry, last one. I promise. 

Having fun has many benefits.

Whether it’s a dumb dad joke or a campy costume, don’t feel guilty about adding a little whimsy to your life. Far from frivolous, having fun can improve your health, your energy level, and your mindset.


  1. Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands, they just don't.


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